Corel WordPerfect 3.5e introduced the Outlining Bar, with its enhanced outlining functions such as setting style, indent, label type, collapsing, folding and joining topics, and comment boxes. These functions were accessed through several outlining macros which were stored in the Library file.
In the 3.5e patch, many of these macros were improved, and several new macros were added. Also, the macros were integrated into the WordPerfect application itself and are no longer stored in the Library file. In order to access these enhanced outlining abilities, it is necessary to remove the original 3.5e outlining macros from the Library file. Below are three suggested methods of removing them. Please select the one best suited for you.
The Library file is located in the System Folder:Preferences:WordPerfect folder. It’s exact title depends on your language choice. United States English users will have a library file named “Library (USA)”, United Kingdom English users will have a filed named “Library (GBR)”, Australian “Library (AUS)”, and Canadian “Library (CAN)”.
To access the enhanced outlining abilities in this patch, you will need to do one of the following suggestions prior to launching the patched version of WordPerfect 3.5e:
Suggestion 1
IMPORTANT: This suggestion should be done only if you have no custom styles, macros, character maps, keyboards (this includes custom keystrokes), button bars, or SpeedStyles which you wish to keep.
1. Delete the Library file
It is stored in the System Folder:Preferences:WordPerfect
2. Launch WordPerfect. A new library file will be created with all the old 3.5e outlining macros removed. When the Outlining Bar is selected, you will access the new outline abilities which are now part of the WordPerfect application.
Suggestion 2
1. Drag the Library file onto your desktop
2. Launch WordPerfect
3. Under Edit, select Preferences
4. Click on the Librarian button
5. Select Open a Library from the pop-up menu above the right box
6. Locate the library file you just moved to your desktop and open it
7. Using the Resource pop-up menu, select and copy any custom styles, macros, character maps, keyboards, button bars, or SpeedStyles which you wish to keep into the new library file (represented on the left side of the Librarian dialog).
NOTE: If you need more help on moving your custom styles, macros... Please open the Cool Macros file in the Extras folder on your 3.5e CD. Just follow instructions 2-4 under Installing the Macros for each of your custom items you need to move.
Suggestion 3
1. Rename the Library file.
2. Launch WordPerfect
3. Follow steps 3 - 7 above and copy your custom items from the library you renamed into the new library.
Corel WordPerfect 3.5e Software Change Notice
• Button Bar
- Show/Hide
Showing the button bar after a new document window is opened caused a bus error provided it was the only document window.
• Conversions
- HTML Export
WP did not export its picts to JPEG’ without experiencing a hang or crash.
- HTML Import
When dragging a JPEG or Gif on top of the WP Icon the program would crash during the conversion process.On a Power Macintosh it would not hang but would not display the image. It would only give a box.
- PICT Import
Opening PICT file in Draw would sometimes put extra shapes in it.
• Drag & Drop
- WordPerfect
Drag and drop of a subscriber then updating the publisher caused a crash.
• Edit Menu
- Find Code
These codes were missing from the Find Code Dialog.
HTML Heading 1 HTML Heading 2 HTML Heading 3
HTML Heading 4 HTML Heading 5 HTML Heading 6
HTML Blink HTML Citation HTML Emphasis
HTML Strong HTML Variable HTML Code
HTML Keyboard HTML Sample HTML Typewriter
HTML Address Preformatted HTML Script
HTML Image Box Horizontal Line Misspelled Word
- Image
If the user inserted an HTML line and then (without entering a hard return) began typing text, when attempting to edit the line, a document error will occur, and if ‘no’ is selected the user would loose the document.
- Preview
HTML preview is not converting any HRT or SRT’s.Thus Header Levels never change beyond the line used.
- Style
When Pasteing HTML Styled Text (that was created in WP), that text becomes “script” and all other text following it, is now the color of the HTML Style.
• Layout Bar
- Alignment
With Smart Quotes on, the quotes and text inside of the quotes incorrectly wrap to the next line if you did a flush right and type.
• Layout Menu
- Hyphenation
When we have an em dash (option, shift, -) between two words WP does not hyphenate them correctly.
• Macros
- Tokens
"Next Bookmark", “Previous Bookmark” and "Remove Bookmark ()" macro commands did not work.
- Tokens
We were missing some very important code equates in macros.
Tab Align Chapter Number Set Chapter Number Options
Published Editions Subscribed Editions Align Justify All
Block Protect Off Page Numbering Font/Size
Equation Box Return-Dormant Book Mark
Frame Equation Off Frame Equation On HTML Beginning of Tag
Hyper Link Misspelled Word HTML End of Tag
HTML Escape HTML Heading 1 HTML Heading 2
HTML Heading 3 HTML Heading 4 HTML Heading 5
HTML Heading 6 HTML Blink HTML Citation
HTML Emphasis HTML Strong HTML Variable
HTML Code HTML Keyboard HTML Sample
HTML Typewriter HTML Address Preformatted
HTML Script HTML Image Box Horizontal Line
Table-Decimal Align Table End of Cell Table-Cell Border Color Left
Table End Of Row Table End of Table Table-Cell Border Color Right Table Definition Table-Join Cells Table-Cell Attributes
Table-Cell Border Top Table-Cell Border Left Table-Cell Locked
Table-Cell Border Bottom Table-Cell Border Right Table-Math Formula
Table-Cell Border Color Top Table-Cell Alignment Table-Math Total
Table-Cell Border Color Bottom Table-Row Height Table-Math Number Format
Table-Cell Fill Color And Pattern Table-Math Sub Total Table-Math Grand Total
• Merge Bar
- Field
Field names in a comma delimited text file would not be found when using the Get Field Names button
- Merge
Performing a merge using a table that has a header row in it caused the first record to be merged over and over.
- Misc
A table data file which uses a header row for field names would not allow you to merge using the Get Field Name button. It would not recognize the header row as field names.
• Printing
- Print Preview
In print preview if the print button was clicked on and then the dialog was canceled, the menus became active again, although no features are accessible within the print preview layer.
• Ruler Bar
- Margins
Clicking on the margin or tab markers causes them to shift to the left on the ruler. Snap to Grid must be unchecked, and Centimeters must be selected (instead of Inches) in Preferences.
- Tabs
The right-most tab on the ruler bar disappeared when it was moved to the right with the mouse. It reappeared when it was dropped.
• Spell As You Go
- Document Dictionary
The document dictionary will not recognize a plain quote as the same as a smart quote.
- Misc
Italian speller marked common Italian words as misspelled -- colore, uso, bianco, cosa, etc. -- The SAUG pop down list showed the word exactly as you typed it if the suggestion was chosen the marking would disappear for a very short time and then reappear.
• Status Bar
- Display
When monitor resolution was changed the Status Bar was not positioned correctly.
• Style Menu Attributes
- Misc
When using Uppercase/Lowercase/Initial Caps, with an align code as the last selected item, everything from there to the end of the document was affected.
• Tables
- Split/Join Cells
In joined table cells, setting first line indent caused insertion point misplacement.
• Tools Menu
- Speller
Duplicate words were not being detected if the word was not in the dictionary.
- Speller
The word 'resistent' was removed from the Dictionary(USA) since we could find no reference to it in any other dictionaries we will assume it is a misspelling of resistant.
- Speller
Spell-Check didn’t respect Smart Quotes on.
• Preferences
- Quick Correct
Auto Indent would check but when returning to the dialog the check would be missing. The feature still worked
• Outlining Bar
- New Commands
Edit Topics: Added options for appending or prepending text. To or from a topic at a given level. Optionally includes subtopics.
- New Commands
Filter Topics selects topics at a given range of levels, and copies them to a new document.
- New Commands
Search topics selects topics containing given text, and copies them to a new document.
- New Help Commands
Four new help menus
- New Help Commands
Commands that create a Quick Reference card, a command overview, and a new demo.
- New Help Commands
Help prompts for every command.
- Enhancement
On/Off switch deleted - enhanced outlining is always "on," with specialized keystrokes
- Enhancement
Outlining Utilities run faster
- Enhancement
Sort Topics now sorts all topics at a given level, rather than just topics following the insertion point at a given level.
- Enhancement
Tab command will not move a topic more than one level right from its parent, no matter where insertion point is.
- Enhancement
Tab command tabs a topic without moving its subtopics if the insertion point is to the right of all text in any line - no longer does this if insertion point is immediately to the right of the topic label.
- Enhancement
Join Topics maintains correct structure.
- Enhancement
Outlining mode menu commands display the outlining button bar, if a button bar is showing.
- Enhancement
Buttons added for Outlining Features and Comment Box
- Enhancement
Count Topics is much faster.
- Enhancement
All topic-specific commands finish with insertion point in "home position" - just to the left of beginning of topic's text.
- Enhancement
Changing existing indents does not change current mode.
- Enhancement
If you tab a topic past level 8, that label is selected when the alert dialog is posted.
- Enhancement
Presentation tools deleted.
- Enhancement
Help strings added to Status Bar.
- Enhancement
Several control keys mapped for easier access to commands.